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City youngsters showcase green projects

PECT Update

Youngsters from schools across Peterborough showcased their environmental achievements at this years’ Eco Education Awards.

Run by environmental charity Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) and sponsored by Skanska, the awards were held at Nene Park Academy last week.

Over the last twelve months ‘green teams’ from each school have been working on a range of eco projects including reducing energy usage in school buildings, creating wildlife gardens, and promoting healthy eating.

Jill Foster from PECT explains, “The Peterborough Eco Education Awards are a chance for schools to demonstrate their commitment to the environment and share their achievements over the last year. All the work featured is student led so it’s also a great opportunity to learn from each other and get inspiration for new projects.”

Over 20 primary and secondary schools entered the 2014 awards, which featured fifteen categories linking to the Peterborough Environment Capital themes.

Cabinet member for Environment Capital, Cllr Nigel North was on hand to award the prizes at this year’s event, he said: “There is some incredible environmental work going on in our schools. I was delighted to see first hand what a difference students are making to create a better, greener city.”

Pupils from Werrington Primary School were awarded special recognition by the judges for using their own initiative to create a film about waste following a trip to a recycling plant. The five pupils then organised a whole school project to reduce rubbish.

Hosts, Nene Park Academy received recognition for running engaging practical projects that allow students to get hands on with wildlife, in particular helping to boost the numbers of Great Crested Newts in the local area.

Other winners included Queen’s Drive Infant School for their zero waste drive and Braybrook School for their ‘Biketastic’ campaign which encourages pupils and parents to cycle more often for shorter journeys.

For more information on the awards please click here.