Why donate?
PECT is a charity: we rely entirely on voluntary donations, grants from organisations, and income from delivering contracts to fund our vital work.
We get involved in everything green, limited only by the funding we have available! From tackling food waste, tree planting and litter picking, through to supporting businesses to become more sustainable and embedding environmental education in schools – plus much more!
By donating to our work, you are playing an essential role in helping make a positive impact on the environment. Every donation is gratefully received and each and every one makes a real difference.
“Every city should have a PECT!”
How will your donation help?

Other ways to donate
Donate via text message
You can text PECT25 and the amount you want to donate to 70070 (texts are free and 100% of your donation goes directly to PECT). For terms and conditions visit Just Text Giving.
Shop online with Easy Fundraising
Support PECT every time you shop in thousands of stores through Easy Fundraising! Every time you make a purchase, a percentage will be donated to us on your behalf. And it won’t cost you a penny extra. Check out how by clicking here.
Fundraising on our behalf
You can help our charitable work go further by raising funds on our behalf. Click here for more information.