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Green accreditation scheme urges people to recycle their Christmas Cards

Inspired by member business Rawlinson’s card-collecting results a couple of years ago, green accreditation scheme Investors in the Environment (iiE) launched an annual campaign to encourage companies to recycle their Christmas cards.

This year, iiE is repeating the campaign and encouraging members of the public and businesses to join forces to help collect and recycle Christmas cards. iiE member businesses collate their cards, before taking them to Marks and Spencer. For every 1,000 Christmas cards recycled through Marks and Spencer the Woodland Trust will plant one tree.

When iiE ran its campaign in January 2015 an amazing 43,000 cards were collected by its member businesses, who include Rawlinsons, Cross Keys Homes, Queensgate Shopping Centre, Peterborough Environment City Trust, City College Peterborough, Axiom Housing  plus many more.

“We’re encouraging everyone to get involved with collecting cards for recycling and are determined to beat last year’s total, which enabled over 40 trees to be planted!” explains Kim Coley, Commercial Executive. “Whether you are a member or not, if you would like to get involved with the campaign then just tweet us with your green pledge for card recycling!”

iiE is a not-for-profit environmental accreditation scheme that is designed to help the business sector save money and reduce their impact on the environment. The scheme provides all the help, support, promotion and networking you need to get recognition for your green efforts.

To find out more, visit the website at and sign up to the free monthly e-newsletter. Plus join in the conversation on Twitter @iiEUK.