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Greeniversity saves 30kg tonnes of waste through skills sharing sessions

PECT Update Waste
New research shows that from January 2014 to June 2015 the green skills share scheme Greeniversity achieved some impressive eco results – stretching far beyond its primary purpose of enabling participants to teach and learn sustainable skills.

A Community Impact Modelling Tool (CIMT) run by Resource Futures was used to record the level of community-led action generated through the scheme, measuring the impact on waste reduction and diversion from landfill, and energy, carbon and cost savings.

Information was gathered from 88 Greeniversity events held in Peterborough, during which time 412 hours were spent organising activities that were attended by over 1,170 people.

Across the activities an estimated 30kg tonnes of waste was prevented, and from this approximately 10kg was diverted from landfill. An estimated 7.33 tonnes of carbon emissions were saved. In addition to this, the financial outputs are estimated at over £5,080, which includes cost savings through collection and disposal of waste and the value of the volunteer time for all activities. 

“Greeniversity helps people get together to share practical eco skills and information. Whether it’s cooking, growing, making or mending – anything goes as long as it’s green or helps build community spirit,” explains Greeniversity Development Lead Jennie Orrell.

“We were delighted that the results from this research indicates that that not only does Greeniversity  help people think about the impact of everyday actions but that it manages to achieve far-reaching and measurable environmental improvements, including diverting waste from landfill.”

Greeniversity promotes group learning and encourages community cohesiveness in a fun, informal environment. Participants gain new skills, meet like-minded people, and grow in confidence. If you’re interested in finding out more about how to sign up for Greeniversity’s free classes, visit