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Landowners: Forest for Peterborough needs you!

The independent charity PECT has recently celebrated another successful planting season with the Forest for Peterborough project. In the last five years alone the project has planted more than 80,000 trees across the city and surrounding areas.

Project Officer Simon Belham is now planning for the next planting season, which runs from October 2015 through to March 2016, and he is looking for Peterborough landowners who would like to volunteer their land for tree planting.

“The aim of the project is to plant 183,000 trees by 2030, which is one tree for every person living in Peterborough,” explains Simon. “We want to create a network of wooded areas to improve our green spaces and create vital wildlife habitats.”

“By landowners nominating their green spaces for tree planting, it will enable us to form an even greater ‘city forest’ throughout Peterborough.”

If you’re interested in finding out more or would like to discuss arranging a site visit, please contact Simon Belham on [email protected].

For more information about the Forest for Peterborough project, visit the website at and find PECT on Twitter @SustainableCity.