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Milestone 300th home visit achieved for Healthy Homes project

Energy PECT Update
The Healthy Homes project was launched in January 2016, and for the last 10 months the charity Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) has been helping residents in Peterborough and Fenland to enjoy affordable warmth through home visits.

This community-based project, funded by the British Gas Energy Trust and managed by Charis Grants, aims to help local residents save money and improve the energy efficiency of their homes, whilst also lowering carbon footprints and conserving limited natural resources.

When a household struggles to pay for adequate heating due to a combination of low income, high energy costs and poor insulation, it’s classed as being in fuel poverty. It’s a big problem that has real consequences. The impact of cold homes is estimated to cost the NHS £1.5 billion and accounts for more than 18,000 premature deaths each year.

The Healthy Homes project has been working to make a difference in this field and has recently completed its 300th home visit. As a result of these visits the project has helped local households save a total of £28,430 per annum through changing energy tariff. In addition to this, households have saved 104,980kg carbon and £21,866 per annum through behavioural changes.

The project has also carried out 17 fuel debt relief payments, distributed 10 employability skills vouchers, made 200 Warm Home Discount referrals, distributed 300 free energy packs and provided 450 hours of advice! That’s not all: the project has carried out 35 home improvements – such as loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, and new boilers – with £106,550 of improvements invested into local households.

The Healthy Homes service is available to residents throughout Peterborough and Fenland, whether or not you own your own home. To book a free home visit call 01733 866440 or email [email protected]. For more information about the project, please visit