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Peterborough city centre goes wild!

PECT Update
Don’t miss the film screening of Project Wild Thing by the Wild Network, held in Wildwood Restaurant’s cinema room on Cathedral Square. The film will be shown on Saturday 20th August from 7.30pm.

The screening is a Green Festival Fringe Event, organised by the independent charity Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT). There’s no need to book and it is a free event, with a suggested donation of £3.

The aim of the film screening is to show how vital it is to help children thrive in the 21st century by kick starting a movement to encourage more children to venture outdoors.

In the Wildwood cinema you will be challenged by this thought-provoking film starring Chris Packham and George Monbiot, in a discovery of what life would be like if a generation becomes completely disconnected from the outside world.

The film explores the ways in which we can look to challenge the issue faced by modern society, in which children are spending increasingly less  time outdoors, captivated and lost within their own ‘cyber world’ on the latest generation of technology.

Patrick Barkham, commenting from The Guardian, reviewed the film as: “Funny, alarming and uplifting.” So why not discover how we can all get connected with the natural world once again!

With thanks to Wildwood for supporting the event. For more information about Project Wild Thing please visit For more details about the event please visit