Offering environmental support to businesses in Hertfordshire
PECT has received funding from the Hertfordshire Health Board to deliver support via it’s Community Wealth Building Programme, which is itself funded by the Community Renewal Fund
PECT will work closely with 20 micro businesses and 5 Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations (including Registered Charities) across Hertfordshire to help them operate more sustainably and reduce their environmental impacts, with a focus on reducing energy use.
During 2022, beneficiaries will be able to join two fully funded workshops designed to help them quickly identify ways to reduce costs and enhance their environmental performance. After successfully completing these workshops participants will then have the opportunity to be enrolled in the iiE (Investors in the Environment) national accreditation scheme with a fully funded 12 month Starter Level Membership*.
benefits of participating
Participating organisations will have the opportunity to realise the following benefits :
- Benefit from knowledge sharing and networking participating alongside similar organisations
- Understand your resource use and general environmental impacts
- Develop an environmental policy to share with customers and other stakeholders
- Understand how to manage and reduce energy use and develop an Energy Action Plan
- Understand the benefits of the Investors in the Environment Scheme and how best to achieve accreditation by the end of the initial 12-month membership period (optional).
- Access to the Investors in the Environment portal including the learning management system and digital resources
- Access to case studies and a comprehensive online resource of relevant news articles

upcoming workshops
Workshop 1: Introduction to Environmental Management
Thursday 13th October 10am-12pm
- How to conduct an overview of current organisational environmental processes and/or existing management system structure, including communications.
- Training on how to write an environmental policy and how to start engaging staff.
- Introduction to iiE and the Starter Level support package.
- Understand the iiE accreditation process and the potential benefits.
Workshop 2: Effective Energy Management
Friday 21st October 10am -12pm
- Understand the importance of effective energy management.
- Identify how to measure and monitor energy use.
- Quick wins for reducing energy use and improving efficiency.
- Creating a Decarbonisation Plan to support the implementation of key actions
To find out more and sign up please email: [email protected] with ‘Community Wealth Building’ in the subject box.
*Businesses will be required to attend both workshops before they are eligible for their fully funded iiE membership which will run for 12 months.