Engagement Campaign

Health & Wellbeing

Sustainable transport named as number one eco concern for Peterborough residents

The charity PECT recently asked people in Peterborough what they liked about the local area and what change they wanted to see happen. The results of the survey are now in, and sustainable transport has been named as the number one environmental concern for local residents.

What makes you proud of Peterborough.>

Project Stats


People provided data


Said a barrier to action was money


Named transport as the number 1 challenge

What are we doing?

Feedback was collected from more than 600 local residents through a range of different methods – including social media, events, press releases, focus groups and Open Gap poetry.

The purpose of PECT’s research was to find out what is valued in the city and what the main issues are, both environmentally and more generally. The results are now being used to steer the direction of the charity’s focus, to ensure its work best meets the needs of local residents, in order to make the biggest difference.

Transport was ranked first in the list of people’s concerns; with public transport, cycle path provision and maintenance, and growing traffic congestion coming in for criticism from those surveyed.

Ranked second in the list of environmental concerns was Zero Waste. Topics raised under this included litter, fly tipping, excess packaging, and issues around educating people how to correctly dispose of waste. Land Use and Wildlife ranked third in importance, with 20% of those responding in this section being concerned about the impact of housing development on wildlife.

cycle group with tricycle

What change do you want to see?

We aim to shape our work to best meet need, in order to make a real difference. We need your help to achieve more.

“No one person or organisation has all of the answers to these issues, so we want to build on our relationships and create new ones so that our focus and action is informed by local needs and priorities and is more transformative as a result,” explains Carly. “We recognise that new thinking may be needed to challenge the causes of many of the environmental, social and economic issues we face.”

There is a huge opportunity for us to collectively create change on critical issues, such as climate change and its wide reaching implications – locally and globally, both now and in the future – plus on issues such as inequity, food and energy security, biodiversity and habitat loss. All of these issues need to be understood and acted upon if we want to create better places to live and a brighter future.

PECT is feeding the results of this work into current and future plans for creating more sustainable places, here in Peterborough and beyond. The charity is developing a reputation as an organisation that carries out engagement work with communities, schools and businesses, sometimes working in partnership with other charities, to ensure work is taking place in the city that really makes a difference to the lives of people who live here.

Please do get in touch with us to let us know your views. To take part in our survey please click here.  For more information call 01733 568408 or email [email protected]. Thank you.

For journeys of four miles or less, what’s wrong with walking or cycling? I do, and yet people look at me in a funny way when I suggest this, as though it’s far too daunting a prospect

– Participant

Whilst green spaces are plenty, I don’t think other spaces are utilised as well as they could be. Rooftop gardens or solar panels on roofs would be a great example of this

– Participant

When supermarkets make everything cheap and easy, and ‘cheap and easy’ becomes the motivating factor in nearly every decision people make, then paying more for better food and better farming conditions is ignored

– Participant