Hampton Travel

Health & Wellbeing

Local residents encouraged to travel more sustainably

A joint initiative between the charities PECT and Sustrans, working alongside Travelchoice at Peterborough City Council has seen residents in Hampton, Fletton, Woodston and Hempsted benefit from advice and support on sustainable travel. We followed up in early 2017 to see what changes local residents have made to their travel.

Why are we doing it?

“We aim to encourage as many residents as possible to consider changing some of their short, regular car trips for a more sustainable alternative,” explains PECT’s Andrew Ellis. “Whether it’s through walking, cycling, car sharing or taking public transport there’s so many different options to help the environment, save money, and improve your health and fitness!”

PECT has successfully engaged over 2,000 residents, offering help and advice, including personalised travel plans and the latest literature, to encourage long-term behaviour change around sustainable travel. Previous and similar projects have been a great success, seeing a 20% increase in walking trips and 27% increase in the number of cycling trips taken.

The project ran through August and September 2016 and visited thousands of households in the local area. This project has been made possible with the support of funding from the Department for Transport through the Sustainable Travel Transition Year funding and Travelchoice.

What can you do?

For more information on sustainable travel, please email [email protected].