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Hyperlocal Rainfall: August Progress Blog


What a weekend that has just been! The Hyperlocal Rainfall app is now officially live after its launch at the Green Festival 2016. It was great to meet and speak to so many of you there! You can now download the app completely free from Google Play onto your Android phones by either searching for ‘Hyperlocal Rainfall’ through the store on your phone or by clicking here.

The launch day has been after 11 months of work for Hyperlocal Rainfall, PECT and our project partners Meniscus, Loughborough University and Anglia Ruskin University. Over this time we have had tremendous help from local residents and organisations, who have been providing input into the needs for the app’s development and testing it out for us so we could get it polished and ready to launch at the Green Festival.

What an exciting day the Green Festival was in the sunshine! There was a bit of rain first thing in the morning and I have to confess I was a bit happy that maybe I’d get to show people the app in action, mapping out and predicting the rainfall across the city but it wasn’t to be, the app showed no rain and in the end the sun came out and it was a lovely day for everyone!

At our stall it was great to have so many people interested in the app. I got to talk to so many of you about how you thought the app could help you in your daily lives, like taking the kids to school and walking your dog along with planning trips to the pub and activities such as gardening. I also got to explain the tech behind the app that our project partners have put together to get our accurate 5-minute predictions and route planning elements. If you want to find out more check out our information poster here.

I’m happy to say a lot of people at the Green Festival have now downloaded the app and those who downloaded the app at our stall on Saturday got to take home a free Hyperlocal Rainfall recycled water bottle! But the fun hasn’t stopped yet and you still have the chance to get your hands on a free Hyperlocal Rainfall water bottle at the Guided Walk!

On Tuesday 16th August 2016 I will be doing a guided walk where you can see how the app works and give it a go, meeting at the Guildhall in Cathedral Square at 12.30pm. All those that attend will receive a free Hyperlocal Rainfall water bottle! Come along for a nice leisurely walk along the Nene River towards the Boardwalks Nature Reserve and then back round into town. Take the chance to see if you would like to download the app, ask any questions you may have, and download your own copy! I look forward to seeing you there!

Freya Herman is the Project Officer for Hyperlocal Rainfall.