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Home energy advice service helps Huntingdon residents reduce their energy bills


The environmental charity PECT has saved Huntingdon residents more than £11,000 on their energy bills through its ‘Warm Homes’ project.

In 2019, PECT expanded its home energy advice service to cover Huntingdon, thanks to a grant from UK Power Networks’ Power Partners fund, which will also help in the future. The charity also partnered with Chorus Homes to offer households access to the free energy advice service.

The Warm Homes service is vital, because NHS advice suggests inadequately heated homes and lower temperatures can put people at increased risk of poor health. The aim of the project was to help residents manage their energy use, save money and reduce their impact on the environment – helping to keep their homes heated for less.

Over the course of the project, PECT provided help and advice to around 150 residents, helping them save on average more than £70 a household. This was achieved through switching suppliers/tariffs, Warm Home Discount applications, savings from behavioural changes, and signposting people to available funding.

In addition to this, through achieving long-term behavioural changes and installing energy saving measures such as draft tape or light bulbs, the Warm Homes service will have helped residents save more than 14 tonnes of CO2.

“By offering advice on behavioural changes, choosing the best energy tariff and supplier, and managing their water bills, we helped residents make some large savings,” says Project Officer Nikki Dekker. “We also offered support to access the national Warm Home Discount and other funding opportunities for home improvements. It’s been great to know we are helping to make a big difference for local residents.”

Consumer Vulnerability Manager, Kerry Potter, from UK Power Networks said: “We are proud to work alongside PECT, working together to maximise help and support for customers.”

Jane Temple, Resident Involvement Manager at Chorus Homes, says: “It’s been fantastic working in partnership with an organisation that has such a strong social and environmental conscience. Also seeing how Chorus customers across the area have benefited from the service, hopefully passing this knowledge on to future generations.”

The Warm Homes advice service is still accessible for residents in Huntingdon and Fenland, for more information please call 01733 568408 or email [email protected]. For further details visit the Warm Homes web page.