Looking for educational, inspiring and fun activities for your children?
PECT has created a multitude of resources to enhance your children’s understanding of the world around them and to enable them to discover more about the environment.
Our new Nature’s School resource is all about bringing families together to enjoy, appreciate and protect their time together. By doing so it can have a positive effect on physical and mental health and ultimately our natural environment as well.
Our environment is sometimes an unexplored natural resource, often overlooked for its wealth of possibilities, and not always appreciated or looked after as it should be! Take this time to turn that around and discover natural wonders, learn from Nature’s School and in return protect it for future generations.
This resource is not just for those at home – schools and other charities and organisations can also benefit from this resource and use it to create new ways of delivering the curriculum and other learning objectives.
All of our activities have been split into core activities as well as seasonal.
Take a look at all our downloadable activities and resources below:
Here is a table of activities. For the resources that correspond to the activity please refer to the number.
Key Resources
Resources relating to the table
2. Dominos l Matching Pairs l Memory Game l Nature Jigsaw Puzzle l Nature Kims Game l Noughts and Crosses l Plastic Bottle Skittles l Rainbow and Waterfalls Game l Tin Can Targets
3. Colour Scavenger Hunt l Nature Patterns Scavenger Hunt l Nature Scanvenger Hunt l Senses Scavenger Hunt
4. Clay Nature Prints l Leaf Art l Leaf Clay Bowls l Nature Flags l Nature Mandala l Pebble Stacking l Twig Towers l Wild Animal Art l Wild Animal Sculptures
6. Origami Animal Bookmark l Origami Butterfly Bookmark
9. T-shirt Bag
11.Charcoal Pencils l Nature Paint Brushes l Nature Paints l Wild Tie Dye
12. Measure a Tree
15. Wild Bow and Arrows l Wild Swords
16. Beeswax Wrap
17. Woodland Puppet
19. Knots l Lashing and Knots
20. Garden Yoga l Wild Yoga
21. String Art Weaving l Twig Gods Eye l Weave a Leaf l Weave a Tree
23. Worm Charming l Wormery
24.Bee Hotel l Hedgehog Home l Mini Bug Hotel l Mini Pond l Multi-room Bug Hotel l Toad Home
25. Leaf Compass
29. Twig Skeletons
30. Rocks I Spy
33. Wild Frames
35. Wild Trails
Here is a table of activities. For the resources that correspond to the activity please refer to the number.
Key Resources
Resources relating to the tablE
1.Mini Beast Safari l Pitfall Trap
2.Butterfly I Spy l Flower Butterfly Feeder l Lifecycle Of A Butterfly l Sponge Butterfly Feeder
3.Bottle Boat l Cork Raft l Ice Rafts l Origami Boat l Twig Raft
10.Duck I Spy
11.Nature Cakes
13.Bee I Spy l Wild Flower I Spy
14.Hand Shadows l Shadow Drawing l Shadow Scope
15.Dandelion Invisible Ink l Dandelion Life Cycle
19.Wild Potions
Here is a table of activities. For the resources that correspond to the activity please refer to the number.
Key Resources
Resources relating to the tablE
4. Bottle Sun Catcher l Wild Sun Catcher
6. River Safari
7. Sundial
13. Rockpool Safari
14. Leaf Confetti
15. Friendship Rocks l Wool Friendship Bracelets l Tree Friendship Bracelets
17. Solar Oven l Solar Well
18. Terrarium
20. Nature Crowns l Nature Masks l Nature Wings
Here is a table of activities. For the resources that correspond to the activity please refer to the number.
Key Resources
Resources relating to the tablE
2.Dandelion Luminary l Leaf Lantern l Orange Peel Lantern l Tin Can Lantern l Leaf Candles
3.Rain Puddle Gauge l Rainwater Gauge
4.Leaf Parachute l Paper Kites
8.Leaf Windmills l Weather Vane
10. Animal Tracking
13.Snail Racing
15.Corn Dolls l Straw Dolls
16. Tree I Spy
17. Rain Orchestra l Rain Waterfall
18. Star I Spy
20. Lifecycle Of A Frog l Magic Tadpoles l Origami Flipping Frogs
Here is a table of activities. For the resources that correspond to the activity please refer to the number.
Key Resources
Resources relating to the tablE
2.Button Snowflake l Grow A Snowflake l Wild Snowflake
3.Wild Bunting l Wild Garlands
6.Wild Gift Tags l Wild Wrapping
7.Egg Ice Sculptures l Ice Lanterns l Ice Windows
10. Flower Wreath l Leaf Wreath l Willow Wreath
11.Alternative Advent Calendars
12.Willow Star
14.Bird feeder House l Cookie Bird Feeder l Pine Cone Bird Feeder l Tube Bird Feeder
15. Wild Pine Cones
16. Button Decorations l Card Baubles l Dried Fruit Decorations l Orange Peel Decorations l Paper Angels l Paper Baubles Paper Trees l Tree Cookie Decorations l Wild Salt Dough
17.Indoor Snow
18.Twig Mobile l Wild Tree Mobile
19.Ice Painting l Snow Drawing
20.Fabric Trees l Orange Peel Trees l Spinning 3D Trees l Twig Trees
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